In Ferry Meadows, by Roman Point and beyond, a collection of the UK's native trees have a wooden tree marker and name plaque to help visitors identify our native trees.

Collect an accompanying booklet from the Visitor Centre (or download it here), to find out about the trees' life expectancy, maximum height, insects dependent, uses, special skill and weaknesses. The tree cards can be cut out and families can play the game Tree Top Trumps and compare our native trees.

The trees in this trail can be found using the TiCL geolocation. Sign up to TiCL here:

The Native Tree Trail was created as part of the Nene Park’s Moments with Trees project (April 2017 - March 2019). This was an award-winning project funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The project celebrated and raised the profile of trees through a variety of events and activities. To find out more about the project go to the Moments with Trees project page.