To celebrate Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee we are hosting a year of events and activities with support from £50,000 funding from the National Lottery Community Fund: Platinum Jubilee Fund.

The funding will help deliver a number of events and activities in the Park including:

Peterborough Celebrates Festival

13-15 May 2022

A three day festival for Peterborough involving and showcasing the diverse communities across the city and including a range of music, art, circus, entertainment, community workshops, food. A celebration of the city of Peterborough as well as the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.


Funding also supported the creation of a Thank you Peterborough film - find out more about who was involved and watch it here.

Jubilation! Art installation

Unveiled over the Jubilee weekend of 4th June 2022

We welcomed artists Keith Hopewell and Nikki Goldup to work with local young people from Thomas Deacon Academy and The Kite Trust to design a new artwork that will be painted under Longthorpe Parkway at Thorpe Meadows. The project called ‘Jubilation!’ aims to illustrate the diversity of the city in 2022, and celebrates the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and young people in Peterborough.


Creation of a Jubilee Garden

by the end of March 2023

The Jubilee Garden will be will be sited behind the Volunteer Centre in Ferry Meadows, providing a view into the park from the Visitor Centre and a quiet space with our less mobile visitors in mind, with places to sit away from direct sunlight.

The garden currently has no seating with arms which may be a barrier to some visitors engaging with the space and so we will consider this in the plans. It will have a calm and regal planting scheme using whites and purples, with a statement tree in the current planter. Plants will be chosen for their colour, pollinator value, low maintenance and longevity.

Community events and activities

Throughout 2022 and 2023 we will be hosting 15+ community events to promote community cohesion in Peterborough. These will include guided and companion walks, Eastern European food market, kite festival, world music events, creative art workshops, family sports events, family volunteering sessions.