We are thrilled to announce that Nene Park Trust has retained its GREEN level Investors in the Environment (iiE) accreditation for the second year.

Investors in the Environment (iiE) is a national accreditation scheme designed to help organisations save time and money, reduce their impact on the environment and get promoted for their green credentials.

Following our bronze accreditation in 2018 and our silver accreditation in 2021, we were awarded the highest green level in 2022.  Following another detailed audit process this year we have been awarded an overall score of 72% and GREEN level for the second year running.

Particular highlights include: 

  • Nene Park Trust’s operations align strongly with sustainability and environmental awareness is demonstrated throughout its operations.
  • Nene Park Trust is clearly focused on managing its sites to protect and restore ecology, and to ensuring that the public have access to areas of natural beauty.
  • A comprehensive environmental policy was submitted, along with supporting documents, including a thorough legal register, detailing Nene Park Trust's commitment to sustainability.
  • Clear effort has been made to ensure key resources are monitored and to address the issues Nene Park Trust face with data collection.
  • There has been a reduction in usage of petrol/diesel vehicles for fleet transport, in favour of EV alternatives
  • Use of kerosene (heating oil) in 2022 saw a 30% reduction from 2021.

This work ties in with our Trust climate emergency declaration, in which we aim to:

  • Achieve net zero emissions from our own operations by 2040, initially through our own and credible and recognised offsetting schemes, but with a commitment to reduce overall emissions in line with the Paris Agreement’s target, and reduce the proportion of offsetting over time. 
  • Use our influence to encourage and support visitors, partners, stakeholders, suppliers and others to dramatically reduce their carbon emissions in line with the Paris Agreement’s target, and ensure they do not take actions that prevent the target being met.
  • Promote the role that Nene Park can play in increasing awareness of and supporting our communities who are already seeing the direct impacts of climate change, locally, across the UK and internationally.
  • Ensure that climate considerations are central and obvious in all our on-going policies, activities, communications and events.
  • ‘Double Nature’ across our landholding by continuing to improve land management techniques and delivering biodiversity gains.