Following the end of the 'Dogs on Leads' trial on certain paths in Ferry Meadows, we have now reviewed all the feedback and are pleased to share the results of the trial and how we will be taking this policy forward in the Park. 


During the length of the trial (Early September until the end of October), we shared two social media posts about the trial across our channels and received 224 comments, more than half of which positive about the trial. We also received 134 emails into our dedicated email address and again saw a wide range of comments and suggestions on different aspects to consider and where we could improve the trial. 

We saw the following recurring themes in the feedback:

  • Visitors are keen to see a safe and inclusive Park for all
  • Many people feel the policy is needed and necessary.
  • Some people feel that we are only targeting certain Park users and so need to consider other user groups.
  • Questions over the suitability of off lead zones in winter months
  • Accessibility 
  • Peak and off peak times
  • Better signage and communication needed
  • Wildlife considerations

Our conclusions:

In response to your feedback, we have come to the following conclusions, which we believe will benefit the Park, its visitors and all of our webbed, winged and furry friends! 

We will:

  • Keep the same ‘on lead’ areas as in the trial

  • Implement off-peak times where the policy is relaxed before 9am*

  • Have no restrictions for anyone with assistance dogs

  • Begin a review of other parts of the Park Code (i.e. cyclists and runners)

*Always on the provision that dogs must have excellent recall and be kept under close control at all times.

Here below is a reminder of the map showing the paths (in purple) where we ask that dogs be kept on the lead.

Answering some of our key FAQs:

Can my dog be off lead on the meadows and other parts of Nene Park?

Yes, dogs can enjoy running free on both Coney and Oak meadow and on the outer paths in Ferry Meadows and the rest of Nene Park! And don’t forget about our dog agility course on Coney Meadow, where their speed and stamina can be put to the test!

Will there be more signage?

We plan to put some more hard wearing signs to place around the Park that will clearly mark the start and end of the on lead zones.

How will the 'Dogs on Lead' policy be monitored?

We trust that our visitors will respect other Park users by following our ‘Dogs on Lead’ policy, much like they would when clearing up after their dog.

Thank you!

We would like to thank everyone who has followed the trial and taken the time to share their feedback. Your comments have given us a better understanding of how we can make this policy work for everyone going forward.

Our email address, [email protected] remains open - we are always listening to make sure the Park is as safe and inclusive as it can be!