We are currently working on plans to ensure that sport can continue at Woodlands sports ground in Castor for future generations. The plans include a new sports pavilion with dedicated changing facilities, community space and kitchen. There are also plans for a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) on site.

Woodlands became a sports facility in the late 1980s when Pearl Assurance moved its main operation from London to Peterborough and provided sport and recreation facilities for its staff; building a large sports building with hall, gym, squash courts and snooker room along with extensive social areas. The building closed in 2005 although the pitches and outdoor facilities remained in use for a few more years.

Following complex negotiation with the previous leaseholders and to enable a return to community sports use, Nene Park Trust took over the management of Woodlands Sport pitches in 2017. Part of the original site is under the management of a local care home provider, Country Court Care, who have built a care facility onsite - Castor Lodge Care Home. They are intending to demolish the existing large unused sports building to increase their accommodation provision.

Nene Park Trust is working with local architects BBA to design a space that will create a community sport facility, aspiring towards sustainable construction. The facilities will consist of a sustainable multi-use community sports hub and the design of the building will reflect these aspirations. This building will also be the Trust’s only public building in the Rural Estate area and may act as the base from which other activities could be undertaken in the surrounding landscape.

Improving these facilities will also extend the opportunities for community use of the sports facilities, in line with our Nene Park Trust master plan to provide leisure and recreation facilities to all our visitors. Woodlands is currently home to Thorpe Rangers FC and Bharat and Bretton Cricket Clubs. The inclusion of a Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) will provide winter opportunities for our current teams but also provide facilities for other sports including netball.

Castor and Ailsworth Tennis Club are also planning to join the site at Woodlands and have well developed plans to enhance the sporting offer on the site. These include five artificial grass courts (three of which will have environmentally friendly floodlighting), two pickleball courts and two paddle tennis courts. The courts will be open to all.

Please note that the proposals for the demolition of the existing sports centre will be dealt with by a separate planning application from Country Court Care.

To find out more about the detailed plans. FAQs and to let us know what you think, please visit our Woodlands project page