Autumn is definitely here and the autumn colours are looking stunning. Here Sophie, our Visitor Ranger, shares a summary of what's been spotted in the Park over the last month.


  • Some of our winter visitors are starting to arrive, so look out for increasing numbers of fieldfare, redwing (flock of approx. 1700 was seen at the beginning of the month) wigeon and other wildfowl.
  • Ring ouzel - a little larger than a blackbird, with a white bib. An uncommon bird so nice to have one visit, most likely on its way back to its more southern winter grounds.
  • Peregrine
  • Whooper swan - similar to the swans (mute swans) we're used to seeing, but with a yellow and black bill - another winter visitor.
  • Little grebe - these are around all year but easier to spot now winter is coming
  • Raven
  • Goldeneye - identified by the dome shaped head (black/green on males), and the yellow eye.
  • Teal - males easily identified by the teal-coloured stripe from the eye to the back of the head.
  • Pintail - easy to identify by the long, pointed tail feathers. Males have a chestnut-coloured head, white neck and grey body.

Other wildlife:

  • There is still the odd bumblebee and butterfly around, but largely their season is over now so not much to report. The numbers
    from the surveys carried out by the volunteers this year are still being crunched, so watch this space!
  • The bat walks finished off with a good count of 5 different bat species - common & soprano pipistrelles, noctule, daubenton's and serotine.
  • The otters have been spotted a few times around the lakes at Ferry Meadows - three were seen together a few days ago so keep an eye out! As the water levels on the river rise, we expect that the otters may well come in to the lakes more as they are an easier and more protected fishing ground.
  • It's the time of year for fungi! Although Sophie isn't a fungi expert, she does have a few favourites that she's seen popping up, including candle snuff fungus and shaggy Inkcap.