We're delighted to share that Nene Park Trust has been awarded GOLD level accreditation in our recent Investors in People assessment! This is a fantastic achievement, as only 17% of organisations achieve Gold, reflecting what a great organisation the Trust is to work for.

Gold accreditation means that we've got the policies in place but more than that, it means everyone – from CEO to apprentice - takes ownership for making them come to life.

Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Nene Park Trust. Gold accreditation on We invest in people is a fantastic effort for any organisation, and places Nene Park Trust in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”

About Investors in People
Investors in People was founded in 1991 as a government project to make work better. By 2002, seven million people were working in organisations accredited by us. Investors in People is a community interest company, which means they put their purpose before profits and means everything they do and every direction they take is done to make work better. Most of us will spend around 80,000 hours at work in our lifetimes. For something that takes up that much of our time, people deserve to get more out of it than just a regular pay cheque. That's why Investors in People has helped more than 11 million people across 75 countries to make work better. Find out more about the assessment schemes at https://www.investorsinpeople.com/