layoutWith the busy summer season fast approaching the Park, it is a good time for a reminder about why keeping the Park clean and green is so important. Our rangers are out daily, picking up litter which has been left out or thrown into the undergrowth and the amount of litter collected increases as the summer goes on and the Park gets busier.

Why is it important to take your litter home or put it one of our bin stations?

  • Danger to wildlife - every piece of litter taken home or deposited in one of the bin stations means there is one less dangerous item left out in the Park to threaten the safety of our wildlife. It is quite common for badger cubs to have plastic can holders embedded in their necks or hedgehogs to be found with their heads wedged in empty tins.
  • Danger to children – broken glass, sharp cans or even dog waste left in the undergrowth can be picked up by children causing injury or contamination.
  • Litter is unsightly and spoils our visitors enjoyment of this beautiful green space.

Extensive bin facilitates have been provided by Nene Park at huge cost, please use them and remember to put your litter in the correct bin as per the notices displayed. Dog waste must be put in the general waste bin. We still have frequent occasions where dog waste is being put in the recycling bins, which means that the entire recycling contents has been contaminated and has to go to general waste.

Unfortunately an increase in littering is being experienced in beauty spots and country parks across the UK. Help our Park and the local area by joining the #LoveWhereYouLive challenge by Keep Britain Tidy, whether that’s by picking up litter and reducing waste or caring for our shared spaces – our streets, parks and beaches. Please also follow and share The Countryside Code, published by Natural England.

Improved Waste Management

As part of the Nene Park Master Plan, we pledged to minimise environmental impact through improved waste management. In 2018, the Trust undertook an extensive waste management review and invested £25,000 on installing new larger bin stations in key locations around the Park. So far, this has resulted in:

  • Recycling waste increased from 55% to 85%.
  • No general waste going to landfill – all general waste from the park is taken to an Energy Recovery Facility in Peterborough.
  • The reduction in emptying bins around the Park, due to their capacity, minimises vehicle movement in the Park on busy weekends, keeping Park visitors and wildlife safe and reduces our carbon footprint by doing less milage.