Name:  Wayne Bradley 

Interest in running: I started running back in 2013 after having pneumonia, spent 9 days in intensive care then 6 months in home rehab. I now run nearly every day, most of them with Blu (my dog). I enjoy running with others, racing, parkrun (over 350 done) but mainly just me, Blu and my music. 

Fun fact about you: I am a World Record Breaker holder for most people participating in a virtual marathon – London Marathon 2020. 

Why you are a Try Running volunteer at Nene Park Trust? I am a Try Running volunteer as this is the place I spend most of my time running and feel everyone should enjoy running no matter what level. I have had pneumonia and ripped all my tendons / muscles in my right ankle (18 weeks in a boot) but, still got back to running. Every person can run and enjoy what we have around us. 

Name:  John Newman

Interest in running: I started running with work colleagues in the late 90’s for health benefits after quitting smoking. An opportunity of a charity place for the 1998 London Marathon came my way which was when things started getting serious. After completion I vowed never to do it again, but things changed, and I did it again in 1999 & 2000. A house move to Norfolk separated me from my running buddies but on return to Peterborough in 2004 saw me back in my running shoes. No further marathons followed but I have continued to run up to half marathon distance. 

Fun fact about you: I ran in the same race as Steve Cramm once......he did it in about half my time! I did, however, overtake Frank Bruno in a London Marathon. 

Why you are a Try Running volunteer at Nene Park Trust? Having recently gone into semi-retirement I have time on my hands to give to the community and as a Lead Coach in another sport I see the enjoyment that newcomers get from trying new sports they would perhaps not undertake on their own. It also allows me to spend quality time outdoors with likeminded people. 

Name: Leanne

Interest in running: I have been running for almost 10 years, taking part in a variety of races and events from park runs to half marathons! I am part of a local running group (love a chatty run), but also love going out on my own, headphones in, and just running, not worrying about how fast or how far. As well as running, I enjoy long walks with my dog, Nellie (she’s not a running buddy) and spending time with family and friends.

Name: Nicola

Interest in running: I run for fun and find running a great way to explore new places. In 2022 I ran my first half marathon and joined a local running club, and this has encouraged me to enter other events.  

Name:  Nathalie Palmer  

Interest in running: I am a member of Thorney Running Club and began running in 2010 to celebrate a big birthday by training for and completing the Great Eastern Run. I haven’t stopped since with many half marathons and one full marathon under my belt.  

You will find me at Manor Field, Whittlesey parkrun most Saturday mornings where I am joint Event Director.   

Why you are a Try Running volunteer at Nene Park Trust? To help others improve their physical and mental health through running.  

Name: Abi Ferrell  (shown on the left in image)

Interest in running: I started running with colleagues at lunch times to keep up with my fitness, I have often done couch to 5k. I have never done a marathon (boring I know). I planned to do a 10k run the day after arriving back from the USA, but safe to say I was not awake enough to attend, there is still time.  

I love how you can start from feeling quite unfit and seeing the progression so early on, we are all beginners at some stage and have to start from somewhere.  

I undertook my LiRF qualification late last year, I am so excited to lead and support on the sessions.  

Why you are a Try Running volunteer at Nene Park Trust? I work for Nene Park Trust and set Try Running up, looking for volunteers and built the process around what Try Running is and why we are doing it.