The Whittlebury family reside at Longthorpe Tower in 1471 during a time of turmoil - the Wars of the Roses is underway and the Yorkist King Edward IV is launching a bid to get his throne back from the Lancastrians. Which side will Robert Whittlebury choose?

Join our costumed interpreters to explore life in the 15th century! At 11am and 3pm, experience have-a-go medieval Bill Drill sessions with the family's soldiers, plus at 1pm watch the arming of the knight and discover how to put on a suit of armour. 

Tickets are £10 each, with timed entry every 30 minutes from 10am until 3.30pm. Living history demonstrations will run throughout the day.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to step back in time and experience the magic of Longthorpe Tower as never before!