Every day it costs us around £6,700 to manage and look after Nene Park. We receive no regular income from public funds, relying on other sources, such as investment returns, rental income and fundraising to fund our work.

In 2023, over 1.9million visits were recorded at Ferry Meadows, 5,614 children attended education events and over 13,290 volunteer hours were spent looking after the Park.

In the past two years we have planted over 2,500 trees, maintained 22km of paths and saw Sand Martins inhabit 79 out of the 81 nesting holes in our Lynch Lake nesting boxes.

Nene Park Trust's charitable objective is:

To provide for the recreation of the public by the provision of parks for the benefit of the inhabitants of Peterborough and the region, with the object of improving the conditions of life for such persons.

Nene Park Trust's vision is:

To be the region's favourite park, providing a permanent haven for heritage and wildlife and a wide choice of recreational activities for the people of Peterborough and the wider community.